Check out our list of activities
Astronomy/Cosmology, Ancient Civilisations, Art Group, Cinema Group, Bridge, Back Gammon,
Sounds, Like the 70s, Brunch Bunch, Educational Documentaries, Greek Conversation, Line Dancing, A Fun Quiz Morning, Book Group, Genealogy, Rambles, Scrabble, West End Broadway Shows and Crafts and Quilting.
We are very conscious of the fact that many of our members are faced with attending our various functions/groups in a single capacity. It is our aim to ensure that all our members have the opportunity to have the company of others for all of our organised activities that are detailed in our newsletter.
Guest speakers also join us periodically to present varying subject matter
Our monthly lunchtime restaurant dates attract many members keen to sample a huge variety of different culinary delights. These popular events are always recorded in our newsletter and whenever possible recorded here on the website.
During the cooler months, we have other activities springing into action such as charity teas and special excursions exploring Cyprus.
Continuously under investigation is the possibility of adding a number of new skills or activities that could include cooking, handicrafts, classical music, philosophical discussions and cosmological events including dark matter and dark energy, the nature of reality, scientific discovery, and quantum physics. Social activities outside of the U3A will be promoted such as outings to concerts, theatre, ballet, and opera. Some may also include pre-dinner get-togethers before the performance.
So far in 2023 we have had one main social event being a buffet/dance ar the Dahkelli Sailing Club with just under 60 members in attendance. We at the committee level were overjoyed at the success of this venture.
You can always keep posted on up-to-date information with the monthly newsletters which are available on this website. If you are new to this website, read below to find out who we are and what we do.